General Ventilation
Aerotech Fans makes a wide variety of fans in many materials for use in general ventilation systems. Manufacturing processes and logistical storage of materials require air exhaust and supply rates that are detailed by industrial ventilation standards. Proper location of industrial unit heaters, along with fresh make-up air fans, provide air to workspaces. Aerotech Fans supplies exhaust fans and roof ventilators for heat removal that can create comfortable workspaces in most climate zones. Cafeterias, locker rooms and office spaces require additional systems that are usually specified by local codes.
Aerotech Fans innovative range has extensive blade selection and mounting possibilities to allow the best-engineered solution to meet the most demanding application. Contact us to request a quote for general ventilation equipment.
J, K, L Series – Centrifugal Fans – Non Overloading, Laminar Bladed
JA, KA Series – Centrifugal Fans – Non Overloading, Aerofoil Bladed
MC Series – Portable Mancooler Fans
PRV Series – Powered Roof Ventilators
MVA, MVZ, MVX & MVW Series – Centrifugal Fans: Non-Overloading, Backward Inclined, Laminar Bladed
MAVA, MAVZ & LAVX Series – Centrifugal Fans: Non-Overloading, Backward Curved, Aerofoil Bladed